Bridal , Special Occasions, Proms
& more...
Service Charges
Hair & Make-up:
Wedding Day + one Preview appointment (trial) £225
Hair or Make-up:
Wedding Day + one Preview appointment (trial) £150
Brides M/up includes one set of Wedding day strip lashes if desired
Bridal Party
(Bridesmaids, Maid of Honour, Mother of the Bride, Mother of the Groom)
Hair & Make-up (Wedding Day) £95 per head*
Hair or Make-up (Wedding Day) £65 per head*
* Bridal Party M/up Strip lashes available at an additional £8 per set.
Bridal Party Previews (trials) are unusual, so are not included, but are available at the same rates per head if required, availability dependant.
Flower girls*
(*10 yrs and under at the time of the Wedding, not the booking)
Hair (plus Blush & Lip Gloss, if appropriate) from £45 per head
Special Occasion, Wedding Guest Make-overs
Hair & Make-up £95 per head
No trial included.
Prom Make-overs
Hair & Make-up £85 per head*
*No trial included. Group bookings/ offers available - contact for details.
Other Services
1-2-1 Make-up Lessons £65
Make-up bag Makeover session £65
Contact for more detail
Please note: Charges shown are for a standard Hair styling &/or Make-up application service. Additional charges may be made if additional services or specific products are requested
(ie hairpieces); these will be quoted accordingly, on an individual basis.
Lessons & Bridal trials take place in BH23, with travel to the venue on the Wedding day; mileage
is charged at an additional charge of 45p per mile.
Jennie Franklin Photography
Jennie Franklin Photography
HS Photography